Cassette board
Cassette board
Cassette recorder circuit board
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Module number: 7, 12
Part numbers:
8001594, 8001660
Other markings:
Compatible models:
Beosound Century
Compatible with models type:
2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657
Slightly fiddly (~20-30 minutes)
Tools required: T10 screwdriver
Remove all cables, stands, and brackets from the set other than the active antenna, if fitted.
Undo the 2 T10/slotted machine screws in the top and bottom right corners of the rear of the set, and lift the outer edge of the right fret up before sliding it outwards for removal.
Undo the 6 T10 screws B, unplug all connectors, and remove the amplifier board.
Release the plastic spring clips and connectors retaining the number 7 PCB.